Frequently Asked Questions
Who can be a Knight?
Practical Catholic men who are 18 or older.
What are the different degrees?
Knights have four different principles or "degrees" as they are commonly called. These four principles are Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. Each principle is presented to members as a degree of membership. For example, men just joining the Knights of Columbus become "First Degree" Knights while focusing on Charity. We encourage all Knights to obtain higher level degrees as soon as possible after the First Degree. The Fourth Degree, Patriotism, requires a one year waiting period after a Knight first joins the Knights of Columbus.
How did you pick the name "Knights of Columbus"?
When the Knights of Columbus were formed in 1882, they selected Christopher Columbus as the namesake for the organization. For many members of that council, America was a new world. Columbus was well known as a strong Catholic gentleman who was brave and bold. Columbus was knighted by the King and Queen of Spain, a Catholic monarchy, who also financed his expeditions to the "new world." The concept of Knights came out of using Columbus as a model.
How many people belong to the Knights of Columbus?
There are over 1.8 million current members worldwide.
What do you do?
The Knights of Columbus are an active part of our church, Catholic education, and our community.
What does it cost to join?
There is a $10 initiation fee to become a member. Members do pay annual dues, which are currently $40 per year. Dues go to support the ongoing operation of the council and our fundraising activities. You also receive our monthly magazine, a council newsletter several fraternal benefits made possible from your dues.
What is Life Member?
After 25 years of membership, and age 65, members are considered "Life Members." With this milestone, dues are reduced to a quarter of the normal.
What is a Honorary Life Member?
After 25 years of membership, and age 70, or 50 continuous years regardless of age, members are considered "Honorary Life Members." With this milestone, all dues are waived.
Where do you meet?
Our council chambers are the Catherdral of St. Joesph's, Burlington. This is where our monthly business meetings are held.
What are your activities?
Please refer to our Upcoming Events page for details of the various activities in which our council participates.
Is there a time commitment required of members?
No. We like to have our members participate in at least one activity and attend one business meeting each year, but there is no time commitment.
I am not sure I have time right now to join.
Some potential members want to really jump in if they join. However, they think about waiting until "things slow down." A creed of the Knights of Columbus is: "Life is short, remember death." There is no time like the present to join the Knights of Columbus!
Who can I call to learn more, or to join?
Call or email our Membership Director, Jeff Ferrier at (802) 595-6084 or Grand Knight, Dan St. Hilaire (802)-578-2644